Hola gente! Que tal estáis? Como os comenté en la pasada reseña de The disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks, hoy os traigo una recopilación de citas que me parecieron interesantes del libro. Es un libro que trata bastantes temas machistas de la sociedad y creo que, al ser un libro juvenil, hace muy buen trabajo, porque es necesario educar a los jóvenes a tratarse con respeto e igualdad. Allí vamos!
“If I were a boy, then would you let me?”
To them, she was Bunny Rabbit. Innocent. In need of protection. Inconsequential.
A veces, los padres continúan tratando diferente sus hijos y sus hijas, como si solo por el hecho de ser chica debieran de sobreprotejerla. Enseñadles a ser fuertes, independientes y libres, como hacéis con los chicos!
Frankie felt that her mother was right about the string bikini. It was not enough clothing.
Porqué la sociedad aún hace que ir con "poca ropa" sea algo malo? Cada una debe de poder llevar lo que quiera, ir vestida como quiera. El cuerpo es algo natural y si los chicos van con un bañador que solo les cubre las partes bajas, porque las chicas no pueden? No te sientas mal por no ir completamente tapada!
She felt awkward around popular people, and couldn’t figure out whether she was good-looking or freakishly ugly, because she often felt both within the space of an hour.
I can feel like a hag some days if I want! And I can tell everybody how insecure I am if I want! Or I can be pretty and pretend to think I’m a hag out of fake modesty—I can do that if I want, too. Because you, Livingston, are not the boss of me and what kind of girl I become.”

In the main building, as well as in several other prominent locations, pompous oil paintings of past headmasters, distinguished teachers, literary figures, and board presidents hung with imposing and slightly ridiculous grandeur. All of the subjects were men.
“Sorry, Frankie, it’s an all-male organization.”
Por qué los hombres tienen que gobernar el mundo? Las mujeres somos igual de capaces, sólo necesitamos hacer ver que podemos ser igual o más poderosas que ellos! Luchad por vuestros sueños y aspirad siempre a más, que nadie os diga que no podéis hacer algo. Nunca!
“I’m betting that if all of us started padding or wearing minimizers, the boys of this school would be completely confused and unable to identify at least half of the female population.
Porqué muchos hombres solo se fijan en una cosa... Pero sois vosotras quien tenéis que sentiros bien con vuestro cuerpo, ignorad lo que os digan los otros sobre él (a no ser que sean temas médicos, claro, esto es serio).
He wasn’t curious about her family. He expected her to become part of his life, but he didn’t become part of hers. Lots of girls don’t notice when they are in this situation. They are so focused on their boyfriends that they don’t remember they had a life at all before their romances, so they don’t become upset that the boyfriend isn’t interested.
Zada said “Ugh, Frankie, don’t be so retro. I mean, Matthew’s a good guy and all, but wearing his T-shirt is like wearing a sign that says ‘Property of Matthew Livingston’ on your breasts.”
... being with him made Frankie feel squashed into a box—a box where she was expected to be sweet and sensitive (but not oversensitive);

“Did you mean that because my bra size is bigger than it used to be, you think I’m not capable of taking care of myself? Or did you mean you think Matthew is a potential date rapist? Or did you mean to remind me that you’re a big man, too, you’ll protect me, because you’re just as big as Matthew—oooh!”
“Frankie, I don’t know what I said to piss you off, but you are being way oversensitive.
Loved her best when she needed help. Loved her best when he could set the boundaries and make the rules. Loved her best when she was a smaller, younger person than he was, with no social power. When he could adore her for her youth and charm and protect her from the larger concerns of life.
“You’re thinking too much,” he had said. What? He didn’t want her to think?
Porque tenéis que ser vosotras mismas y nadie puede deciros como debéis ser. Porque ser dulce y delicada está bien si realmente sois así pero no porque ser más chica signifique esto. Que nadie os diga que si pensáis tal cosa o hacéis tal otra seréis menos chica o una chica menos bonita o querida. Quien os quiera de verdad os querrá por como sois en realidad. Y podéis estar tranquilas porque ser fuerte, independiente y con carácter también gusta! ;)
“Really, when have I ever been someone it was easy to take advantage of?”
“He’s not a babysitter, Mom.” “A babysitter? Who’s talking about babysitters?” “You act like I need a boyfriend to take care of me.”
Las mujeres somos fuertes, somos independientes y podemos cuidar de nosotras mismas! Siempre puedes necesitar ayuda pero que nadie diga que necesitas que cuiden de ti, que nadie te haga sentir menos útil o capaz por ser una mujer.
“Why is it psychotic if I did it, and brilliant if Alpha did it?” wailed Frankie. “That’s so unfair. It’s a double standard.”
Cuando alguien no se da cuenta de que las chicas podemos hacer lo mismo que los chicos y debemos ser tratadas igual por ello. No puede ser que un hombre tenga derecho de hacer algo socialmente aceptado pero si hace lo mismo una chica, esta sea tratada de loca, de chico o vete a saber tu de qué.

Frankie did not accept life as it was presently occurring. It was a fundamental element of her character. Life as it was presently occurring was not acceptable to her.
It is better to be alone, she figures, than to be with someone who can’t see who you are. It is better to lead than to follow. It is better to speak up than stay silent. It is better to open doors than to shut them on people.
She will not be simple and sweet. She will not be what people tell her she should be.
Y esto es lo que significa ser feminista. Que nadie os diga que es algo malo o os hagan pensar que no es algo necesario. Ser feminista significa querer la igualdad entre hombres y mujeres y cuestionar cada día, en cada momento, la sociedad patriarcal que nos rodea e intentar buscar las injusticias, las frases deteriorativas o los gestos machistas que aún existen en la sociedad e intentarla cambiar. Que nosotr@s, con nuestro pensamiento crítico y nuestro poder de intervención, hagamos ver a la otra gente lo que está pasando, que hagamos que también abran los ojos de una vez.